The Zonta Club of Cebu II launched its Women, Gender and Family Section at Mandaue City Public Library on Thursday, November 24, 2022. This activity is in connection with the 18 Days of Activism to Stop Gender-based violence that starts on Friday, November 25, 2022. The section contains reading materials on gender mainstreaming and various laws pertaining to violence against women and children. It also contains books for children.
Zonta Club of Cebu II vice president-external Marietta Malinao said they hope that the knowledge and information readily available at the section would help empower women in Mandaue City.
Mandaue City Councilor Cynthia Remedio noted that despite efforts to curb violence against women there are still challenges and gaps needing collective action.
Mayor Jonas Cortes thanked Zonta Club of Cebu II for the kind gesture of showing what service is all about. While the space allocated for the section is small, it will have a bigger space once the existing city hall building will be converted into a museum and the city public library.
Zonta Club of Cebu II past president Cristina “Petite” Garcia expressed hope that women can take advantage of the resource materials on women’s issues and gender equality available in the library and by doing so remain updated and informed.